


Wartburg State School Parent's and Citizens' Association (WSS P&C) is aligned with P&Cs Queensland External link, and recognises that parents and caregivers have an important role to play in enhancing the educational and social environment that will shape the lives of our students. Our constitution provides clarity on how the P&Cs vital activities assist our school.

It is the aim of the P&C Association to foster communication between school and parents, and to assist both parents and staff better understand and meet the needs of our school children.  Increasingly, parents and citizens play an important role in the management and development of all the school's activities. They provide feedback and advice on school policies and activities and assist in providing resources to enhance student outcomes and are involved in a variety of school activities including fundraising activities, school functions, tuckshop and uniform shop. 

P&C general meetings are held regularly, and as well as being shown in the school newsletter, the upcoming meeting dates are posted on our Facebook page. Parents/caregivers and other interested community members are warmly welcomed to these meetings and/or to become active members of the P&C association.

The P&C can be contacted through the school office or by email at Any feedback on events, past or coming, or fundraising suggestion are appreciated.

Last reviewed 20 April 2023
Last updated 20 April 2023